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Helping individuals who are interested in successfully gaining employment get their positions.

The Community Rightful Center, Inc. provides Employment & Training services to disabled individuals interested in successfully gaining employment. Through our Pre-Placement Training Program and hands-on approach with our Employment Specialist, CRC advocates for our special population ensuring that positions applied for are compatible to our clients’ job skills and abilities.

Pre‐Placement Training is a Twenty (20) hours of a formal, interactive and structured face‐to‐face/virtual training for adults, that consists of both lecture and hands‐on activities. Training must be completed prior to job placement and must include the following topics: • resume writing • instruction on interviewing skills • searching for and applying for jobs online • finding and completing job applications • managing Employer initial contacts • handling conflicts • navigating public transportation • a review of Customer employment benefits, if needed.

Employment services assist individuals with a disability to obtain or maintain competitive integrated employment, consistent with the unique strengths, abilities, interests, and informed choice of the individual.

Supported Employment – this is a unique employment service for individuals with the most significant disabilities, who require ongoing support services to succeed in competitive-integrated employment.

On the Job Training (OJT) Provide direct support to individuals with disabilities to develop career goals, prepare for their job search, coach the individuals as they learn the tasks and responsibilities of their positions, and facilitate communication between the individual, his/her employer and counselors.

Job Development/Life Skills Level II – our partnership with APD, enables us to help individuals receive and retain a job in his or her community, or to develop and operate a small business.

Ticket to Work is a federal program that helps Social Security beneficiaries with a disability achieve their employment goals. The program offers beneficiaries aged 18 to 64 who receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) services to help them become employed.

Self- Employment is a program that help individuals with disabilities to own businesses by carrying on a trade or business as a sole proprietor or independent contractor.

Certified Business and Technical Assistance Consultant (CBTAC): Supported Self-Employment provides the opportunity for individuals with most significant disabilities to own a business with appropriate resources and supports.

Career Counseling Information Referral Services (CCRI) A career counseling information & referral services program, designed to provide career counseling information and referrals to individuals, currently seeking competitive wages and integrated employment.

Discovery/Customized Employment
Discovery is a process of Customize Employment where a job coach will use an assessment process to determine an individual personal genius. This process allows a job coach to spend time with job seekers and to learn information about them in order to place them with a job that would be suitable for them, by finding out who they are, what they want to do, and what they have to offer. It provides and identifies crucial information about individual for vocational profile that includes evidence concerning the individual’s Vocational Themes and ideal conditions of employment. Customized Employment (CE) services use this information to inform the job development strategies. The information is based on a determination of the strengths, needs, and interests of the job seeker and is designated to meet the specific needs of the employer.

We hope we find you well. To inquire, just contact our center.